Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dad's Therapy

Yes I need therapy... many kinds at that but I have all of you, whoever that may be. I have to admit, its kind of weird writing personal thoughts and feelings to essentially an unknown audience but this (you) has become my therapy (therapist). Heck people pay hundreds of dollars an hour to visit a quack (I use that term lovingly because that actually would be my profession of choice) but I have all of you and its free! If you are reading this, I guess you are still viewing the blog and we (I) thank you for that. I guess it's time for another disclaimer as for those that don't know me, I can only imagine the impressions that I've made. I'm sure most of these people have figured out that I use humor, however off color it may be, to create interest, up play/down play, brighten or add a little fun to any situation. The wife calls this my shock factor. Regardless, the purpose of this blog is to keep anyone who wants to stay connected up to date, to provide real world support for other families that may experience a similar situation, my personal therapy and most importantly for Emma... when she's able to reflect on her younger years and understand why we chose to put her through this. The answer to that question, which many times is the elephant in the room, is we had 2 options- amputate or leg lengthening. Amanda and I agreed that it wasn't our decision to make but we needed to do what was right for Emmy today to allow HER the opportunity to make that decision in the future. So here we are today. Lastly a disclaimer/note to Em- your dad isn't heartless or crazy with these posts (although some may disagree) but instead I'm just trying to be strong for you in the only way I know how. I knew from the very day you able to look into my eyes that you were as tough as nails and nothing would ever hold you back. I know that you understand my sarcasm, even at this early age and that you get me so none of this needs to be said but if somehow my live was cut short (just what I think about watching my baby sleep), you need to know that you are perfect and more beautiful than one could ever wish to be. I admire your strength, courage and beauty. Emma- I love you more than all the stars in the sky. Hang in there baby and I promise we'll get through this and make you long and strong!


  1. So proud of you Emma! ♥ You're such a brave girl! Lots of love,Paige

  2. Beautifully said Dad.... And...humor is always good...during the rough times. Sometimes...very necessary! I so appreciate the blog...thank you... cf

  3. There are no words... Your such a good Daddy! love you guys

  4. Eric...thanks to my friend Carol for sharing your BLOG...and nice pictures. Hope things continue to improve..and..that before long..Emma will be up and about...and..Dad won't need "therapy" any more. Please give my Love to all of the Family...esp. Grammie Madeleine <3

  5. Such beautiful words that every daughter loves to hear from their daddys.. thinking of you guys and beautiful Emma! Hugs to all. Love you guys lots xoxo
