Emma enjoyed getting things back to normal last night crashing with Maddie to a favorite Dora video.
Pain meds ran out around midnight and she woke up in a lot of pain but after getting her to take the meds things calm down after 15 minutes- little tough to get her to take sometimes as the meds are "spicy" . Up again at 4am with Mom for some more meds.
Today was our first day of Physical Therapy (PT= Play Time)! Em and dad went to PT and Grace and her dad (Kevin) were the first people we saw. That made her day until we got called back to start and were in a room by ourself (no Grace=no fun). It went ok but Emmy was a little scared. Tony the tool man came by and cut her bottom foot plate and screws down to make things easier for us. All was good. Emma got up and walked with her walker to the treasure chest for a prize for doing so well. Then it was off to see Mark to have her pins cleaned.
While we were waiting, Grace and Kevin stopped by for awhile to chat and give us some helpful information- thank you Kevin. We were called in to see Mark- there are around 14 points where pins enter or exit her skin which need to be cleaned every other day. This consists of removing any discharge (dried blood) from the skin and pins while pushing the skin off the pin as it tries to heal itself around it. This isn't fun! Dora could have been doing it and Emmy would of smacked her too however, she only tried to kick and slap Mark while screaming it hurt so he survived. This is going to be dads toughest job as its up to us to clean and prevent infection from here on out.
This all wore Em out and she crashed on the way home. I transferred her to bed and see took a good 2.5 hour nap.
I really can't express how amazing u both are as parents. I don't know if i could be so strong. Love u all so much!!!!