Monday, December 9, 2013
First let me apologize for the lack of updates since we returned home! Amanda's done such a great job with the Facebook updates, I really didn't see the need to continue on with this. Trina on the other hand thought much differently hitting me with a few of the following quotes:
You have left everyone hanging!
People are wondering what's going on!
As Trina now knows, the more you want the less you get with me! So if you need to place blame, Trina can handle it!
Anyway, we are in inpatiently waiting for Em to come out of surgery and be Super Brace free! Em has gone back and forth with not wanting her Super Brace removed and being excited about it. Her requests were pretty simple- a pink cast and Rootbeer- I think we can handle that!
More to come!!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Emma Started School Today!
Emma had a great summer full of fun, swimming at the pool, catching frogs in the pond, fishing at the lake with her cousins to name just a few things in her busy social calendar. Bella the Lab puppy was welcomed into the family. A small incident involving a hula hoop and a sibling left her with a few stitches in her forehead, but otherwise a great summer!
Madison had a successful start in Kindergarten last week.
The big news is that Emma started school today with her super brace on. She was so excited to go and a little less excited for Dad to leave but a successful day all in all. She had no problem explaining to the kids why she has her super brace and that it is making her leg longer and stronger.
A quick update on that:
The bone is healing but the progress is slower than we had hoped. Dr. Paley recommended "compressing" which means backing off the struts to relieve some of the tension in the frame to accelerate the regeneration of the bone. This was scheduled to be a 5 day process in which we would then add a 7th strut to help stabilize the frame.
After 1 day of following the compression schedule, Emma experienced unbearable pain in which it was determined that one her pin placements wasn't going to allow for us to continue with this process.
Emma is doing well and feeling great. We are optimistic that a little more time will be all that is needed for the bone to heal and have the fixator removed. We have our next x-ray scheduled for 9/15 in which we are hoping will result in scheduling removal for sometime around 10/15. Keep your fingers crossed and Emma keep drinking your milk!!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Grace (NOT EMMA) is Super Brace Free
So I've been told I need to clarify something!!! Emma is still in her Super Brace. Grace (her BFF or twin sister as Em called her this morning) had her Super Brace removed yesterday and is doing great!!! Grace has been Em's pioneer through all this and is a month and a half ahead of Em in her journey. One reason I update on her process is that I love her like my own and the other is so we can look ahead to what the future holds.
Grace is in a full leg cast and is weight bearing! I just received a little video of her walking with her walker!!! Go Gracie Go! She's expected to be in the cast for a month and then begin PT. Picture below of Grace and her newly decorated (all by herself) Super Cast! So Cute!!!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Grace Gets Her Super Brace Off
Monday 7/8/13
I know its been awhile and apologize for that but wanted to let everyone know that Grace is getting her Super Brace removed as I type this. We are so excited for the Burke's!!!
Em's doing great. We've had her first X-ray and all was good. Second X-ray will be on July 17 and Em's removal will be scheduled around the week of Aug. 17th if all goes as planned.
We are currently just enjoying a little PT!!!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Day 81- On The Road
Sunday 5/19/13
It was a slow morning at Grammie's. The girls played in the pool and on Grampa's tractors while we did some last minute organizing. We finally said our goodbye's to Grammie and Grampa around 2pm and headed North to Jacksonville to see the Burke's!
We arrived at Gracie's place at 4:30 and were received with open arms! The girls headed right for Grace's room to play!

It was nice to catch up with Kevin for a few but we were anxious to get on the road so it was short and sweet. We headed out of Jacksonville and pulled into Auntie Trina's in Mamaroneck, NY, Monday afternoon. We were welcomed by Arthur and Murphy with open arms and paws! Trina made us dinner and I took Teagan and crashed for the night!
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